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    Baby Einstein: Baby MacDonald (2004)

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    Baby Einstein: Baby MacDonald
    Toddlers can learn about life on the farm without having to leave their living room in this educational video from the Baby Einstein series. Baby MacDonald: A Day on the Farm features real-life farm animals, tractors and other agricultural equipment, and crops in the field to teach youngsters the goings-on of a typical day on the farm, and give them early lessons in the production of food and how to treat the animals who play and work with us. Baby Einstein: Baby MacDonald also features a score of classical melodies arranged to appeal to children and fit in with the barnyard themes.

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    • Jim Janicek
    • Family
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    7.7 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Family
    Produzent: Jim Janicek
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